Hello! We are the Thomas family, a local Healesville family business delivering citrus to the Yarra Valley and beyond. In June 2021 we acquired our lemon and lime orchard featuring over 4000 trees. Ever since we have been busy pruning and improving processes to produce an even better product.
We supply lemons and limes to restaurants, hotels and gourmet food producers throughout the Yarra Valley, and we also do large custom orders for breweries outside our region. We do all the picking and packing ourselves, keeping down costs and maintaining extremely high quality produce. We also personally deliver our produce, to ensure freshness and quality is maintained.
We both grew up in the country, and we wanted the same experience for our three boys. Our passion is to grow and develop the land to its best potential. It was important for us to support other local Yarra Valley businesses, and we do that by providing fresh local produce.
In addition to our citrus trees, we also dabble in other produce. Sauvignon blanc vines were planted in 2004 and have been producing grapes for a number of vintages. We planted chestnut trees in 2021. We grow a lot of our own vegetables on site in our vege garden, and we have 8 chickens and 1 rooster named Sammy.
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The property itself was established in 1983, and was previously part of a much larger property owned by the Miller family, which was divided into seven properties in the late 1970s.
The planting of lemon trees began in 1997. The first lime trees followed three years later, and today we have over four thousand lemon and lime trees located on the estate.
What attracted us to this property is the elevated site and the micro-climate of the Yarra Valley which is perfectly suited for citrus. We are emersed in nature. The area is teaming with wildlife, we see kangaroos daily, we see black cockatoos, parrots, rosellas, and in summer we are visited by lace monitor lizards.


Watch this space...


We are experimenting with online ordering. Have a look!.

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